
Who am I?

I'm Polish girl. I love reading books, writing reviews and I'm trying to write my own book, so maybe one day you will be able to find it in book shops ;) I'm good in horse riding, playing piano and  taking photos too, but it's not as big hobby as books.

Why am I here?

I want to use my English more. I know I will do many mistakes, but I hope you will try to except that. I often write my reviews in Polish language and you can see them here:

I write reviews of books from all around the world, but mostly they are in my language, so maybe it could be quiet different from the same books in English. You know, sometimes people who translate the text can do the mistakes, got something wrong or do something like that. 
Sorry for the view of the blog, I'm going to change it this week, but I must only have a while.
I think I will write something once a week. I don't know which day it will be, it can changes.
So that's all of my short introduction. I hope it's okay and the mistakes are not really big.
(if they are I am really sorry!)

Few of my photos:


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